889 IC Sample Center Basic
2 Reviews on SelectScience
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The 889 IC Sample Center Basic – is a robust Autosampler for high sample throughput, optimized for the challenges of the modern analytic laboratory. It uses the x-y-z principle. A double needle system enables the penetration of vessel caps and septa.
The sample transfer takes place either with a peristaltic pump in the IC system or with an 800 Dosino, e.g. when applying the intelligent Partial Loop Injection Technique.
Supported with MagIC Net 4.1 and higher.
Seznamte se s 889 IC Sample Center Basic
Automatizace pro IC
Metrohm nabízí plně automatizované řešení pro iontovou chromatografii, bez ohledu na počet vzorků a postup jejich přípravy k analýze.Proč Automatizace pro IC?
Vybavit Váš 889 IC Sample Center Basic
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- Součásti dodávky
- Volitelné součásti
Y-connector for tubing 6-9 mm i.d.
Connector for waste tubing
Silicone tubing 8/12 mm, 1 m
For the IC Sample Center
Sample rack 48 x 11 mm to IC Sample Center
Sample rack for the IC Sample Center with 48 sample positions. For sample vials 6.2743.1xx.
Cable USB A - USB B 1.8 m
USB connecting cable
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