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889 IC Sample Center Basic

889 IC Sample Center Basic


/ 5.0
2 Reviews on SelectScience
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The 889 IC Sample Center Basic – is a robust Autosampler for high sample throughput, optimized for the challenges of the modern analytic laboratory. It uses the x-y-z principle. A double needle system enables the penetration of vessel caps and septa.

The sample transfer takes place either with a peristaltic pump in the IC system or with an 800 Dosino, e.g. when applying the intelligent Partial Loop Injection Technique.

Supported with MagIC Net 4.1 and higher.

Seznamte se s 889 IC Sample Center Basic

Automation in Ion Chromatography - Save time and money through automated sample preparation and analysis

Automation in Ion Chromatography - Save time and money through automated sample preparation and analysis

Manual 889 IC Sample Center Basic

Manual 889 IC Sample Center Basic


Automatizace pro IC

Metrohm nabízí plně automatizované řešení pro iontovou chromatografii, bez ohledu na počet vzorků a postup jejich přípravy k analýze.