- AB-405石油产品的总碱值滴定
- AN-NIR-097润滑油中 TBN 的测定
发动机润滑油中的碱性添加剂用于防止酸性物质的积聚,从而抑制腐蚀。总碱值(TBN)表示样品中碱性添加剂的含量,因此可用作衡量润滑油降解程度的指标。根据 ASTM D2896 标准,润滑油 TBN 的标准测试方法是电位滴定法。这种方法需要使用有毒试剂,并涉及劳动密集型清洁程序。与主要方法相比,近红外光谱 (NIRS) 是一种快速分析技术,不会产生任何化学废物,并能在一分钟内完成 TBN 分析。
- AN-T-097Base number in petroleum products
Basic chemicals are added to petroleum products to prevent corrosion as they neutralize acidic components that form during the use and aging of these products. The base number (BN) gives an indication regarding the amount of these basic additives present, and it can be used as a measure for the degradation of the petroleum product.This Application Note describes the potentiometric determination of the base number according to ISO 3771, ASTM D2896, and IP 276 using the Metrohm Solvotrode easyClean and a fully automated OMNIS system.