- AB-178Fully automated analysis of water samples
The determination of the physical and chemical parameters as electrical conductivity, pH value, p and m value (alkalinity), chloride content, the calcium and magnesium hardness, the total hardness, as well as fluoride content are necessary for evaluating the water quality. This bulletin describes how to determine the above mentioned parameters in a single analytical run.Further important parameters in water analysis are the permanganate index (PMI) and the chemical oxygen deman (COD). Therefore, this Bulletin additionally describes the fully automated determination of the PMI according to EN ISO 8467 as well as the determination of the COD according to DIN 38409-44.
- AB-188pH measurement technique
This Bulletin, using practical examples, indicates how the user can achieve optimum pH measurements. As this Bulletin is intended for actual practice, the fundamentals - which can be found in numerous books and publications - are treated only briefly.
- AN-T-073Fully automated determination of conductivity, pH value, and alkalinity in tap water including sample preparation
The automated system Basic water analysis determines conductivity, pH value, and alkalinity in all kind of water samples. The high degree of automation (e.g., automated sample addition, automated calibration as well as automated titer and cell constant determination) minimizes errors and guarantees an outstanding reproducibility.
- AN-T-074Conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, and hardness in tap water
In this application note, a fully automated system is presented which allows the determination of several parameters according to various standards within one analysis. These include conductivity (ISO 7888, EN 27888, ASTM D1125, EPA 120.1), the pH value (EN ISO 10523, ASTM D1293, EPA 150.1), alkalinity (EN ISO 9963, ASTM D1067, EPA 310.1), and Ca/Mg content (ISO 6059, ASTM D1126, EPA 130.2). Additionally, the system transfers the required sample volume into an external titration vessel for the analysis, reducing manual sample preparation. Furthermore, all sensors can be automatically calibrated and the titer of each titrant can also be determined.
- AN-T-075Conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, and chloride in tap water
In this application note, a fully automated system is presented which allows the determination of several parameters according to various standards within one analysis. These include conductivity (ISO 7888, EN 27888, ASTM D1125, EPA 120.1), pH value (EN ISO 10523, ASTM D1293, EPA 150.1), alkalinity (EN ISO 9963, ASTM D1067, EPA 310.1), and chloride content (ISO 9297, ASTM D512, EPA 325.3). Additionally the system transfers the required volume of sample into an external titration vessel, further reducing manual sample preparation. Furthermore, all sensors can be calibrated automatically and the titer of each titrant can also be determined.
- AN-T-076Conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, hardness, and chloride in tap water
In this application note, a fully automated system is presented which allows the determination of several parameters according to various standards within one analysis. These include conductivity (ISO 7888, EN 27888, ASTM D1125, EPA 120.1), pH value (EN ISO 10523, ASTM D1293, EPA 150.1), alkalinity (EN ISO 9963, ASTM D1067, EPA 310.1), Ca/Mg (ISO 6059, ASTM D1126, EPA 130.2), and chloride (ISO 9297, ASTM D512, EPA 325.3). Additionally the system transfers the required volume of sample into external titration vessels for the different analyses, reducing manual sample preparation. Furthermore, all sensors can be automatically calibrated and the titer of each titrant can also be determined.
- TA-044pH value, conductivity and titration in water and soil analysis
The rapid growth of the Earth's population has led to massive increases in the consumption of energy and resources and in the production of consumer products and chemicals. It is estimated that 17 million chemical compounds are currently on the market, of which 100,000 are produced on a large industrial scale. Many of these enter the environment. This leads to a demand for sensitive analytical procedures and high-performance analytical instruments.pH value, conductivity and oxygen requirement are important characteristics in water and soil analysis. The first two of these can be determined rapidly; for the third, the titration that is used is also the one used in numerous single determinations. This article describes several important standard-compliant determinations in water and soil analysis.
- TA-053Measuring pH correctly – Small cause, large effect
With a pH meter, the pH value can easily be measured, read directly, and then immediately archived in accordance with GLP. This article summarizes the most important points to consider considered before taking a pH measurement to verify the accuracy of the results.