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- AB-251Polarographic determination of cinchocaine (dibucaine) in pharmaceutical preparations
Cinchocaine (dibucaine) is used in the form of ointments or injection solutions as a local anaesthetic. Its base is soluble in diethyl ether; its hydrochloride, on the other hand, is insoluble in diethyl ether but easily soluble in water. This Bulletin describes the determination of cinchocaine in ointments, creams and injection solutions by means of differential pulse polarography. An acetate buffer pH = 4.8 is used as the supporting electrolyte. The limit of quantitation and the linear working range of the method are given. The necessary sample preparation steps are also dealt with in this Bulletin.
- AN-K-006軟膏に含まれる水分の測定
- AN-P-076ジクロフェナク局所用溶液におけるプロピレングリコールの測定
プロパン-1,2-ジオールと称されるプロピレングリコールは保湿剤であり、医薬品原薬 (API) の溶解性または皮膚への浸透性を高めるための局所用溶液に用いられます。この application では、プラセボおよびAPIとしてジクロフェナクを含む2種の局所用溶液に含まれるプロピレングリコールを測定しています。分離は、後続するパルスアンペロメトリー検出 (PAD) を使用してHamilton RCX-30-250/4.0カラムにて行われます。
- AN-S-330Determination of metabisulfite as sulfite in pharmaceutical ointments
Sodium metabisulfite, also known as pyrosulfite, is used as a preservative and antioxidant in pharmaceutical products. Metabisulfite is not stable in aqueous solutions and quickly converts to sulfite. The peak in the chromatogram originates from the sulfite. This process is however calibrated using metabisulfite standard solutions, which is why the results are specified as sodium metabisulfite. This Application Note describes the determination of metabisulfite as sulfite in an ointment. It is dissolved in an aqueous solution containing formaldehyde to protect the sulfite against oxidation.
- AN-T-033Lidocaine in ointments
Determination of lidocaine in ointments by potentiometric titration with sodium tetraphenylborate using the NIO surfactant electrode.