- AB-405Total base number titration of petroleum products
This Application Bulletin shows the determination of the total base number in petroleum products by applying different titration types according to various standards.
- AN-NIR-097Total base number in lubricants with near-infrared spectroscopy
Alkaline additives in engine lubricants are used to prevent the build-up of acids and as a result, they inhibit corrosion. The total base number (TBN) indicates the amount of basic additives present in samples and thus can be used as a measure for the degradation of the lubricant. The standard test method for TBN in lubricants is potentiometric titration according to ASTM D2896. This method requires the use of toxic reagents involves a labor-intensive cleaning procedure. In contrast to the primary method, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a fast analytical technique which does not produce any chemical waste and completes the TBN analysis in less than one minute.
- AN-T-097Base number in petroleum products with potentiometric titration
Basic chemicals are added to petroleum products to prevent corrosion as they neutralize acidic components that form during the use and aging of these products. The base number (BN) gives an indication regarding the amount of these basic additives present, and it can be used as a measure for the degradation of the petroleum product.This Application Note describes the potentiometric determination of the base number according to ISO 3771, ASTM D2896, and IP 276 using the Metrohm Solvotrode easyClean and a fully automated OMNIS system.
- AN-T-179Fully automated determination of TAN/TBN according to ASTM D664 and ASTM D2896
Fully automated determination of the total acid number and total base number in engine oils according to ASTM D664 and ASTM D2896 is possible with the OMNIS Titrator.