Application Finder
- 8.000.6108Comparative Study of Moisture Analysis Techniques on Cannabis
Moisture in cannabis impacts potency and must be accurately determined. Loss on drying (LOD) is the most popular method for determining moisture in cannabis. Unfortunately, this technique is not specific to moisture and the loss of any volatile components, such as terpenes, will be incorrectly classified as moisture. Karl Fischer (KF) titration is the only chemically specific test for moisture. This poster describes the instrument used to determine moisture content by Karl Fischer titration and compares the results of this data to loss on drying.
- AB-057Polarographic determination of nicotine
The quantitative determination of the alkaloid nicotine, which is an essential constituent of the tobacco plant, can be carried out by polarography. The quantification limit is less than 0.1 mg/L in the polarographic vessel.
- AB-070Polarographic determination of nitrate in water samples, soil and plant extracts, vegetable juices, meat and sausages, fertilizers, liquid manure, etc.
The photometric determination of nitrate is limited by the fact that the respective methods (salicylic acid, brucine, 2,6-dimethyl phenol, Nesslers reagent after reduction of nitrate to ammonium) are subject to interferences. The direct potentiometric determination using an ion-selective nitrate electrode causes problems in the presence of fairly large amounts of chloride or organic compounds with carboxyl groups. The polarographic method, on the other hand, is not only more rapid, but also practically insensitive to chemical interference, thus ensuring more accurate results. The limit of quantification depends on the matrix of the sample and is approximately 1 mg/L.
- AB-220Determination of platinum and rhodium in the ultratrace range by adsorptive stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes …
- AN-C-168Determination of ammonium in tobacco after sulfuric acid extraction
Ammonia is present in tobacco – either naturally or added – and is realesed during smoking. Ammonia increases the appeal of smoking, and is therefore considered to increase the addictive potential. The determination of ammonium in tobacco is performed by acid extraction and ion chromatographic separation followed by non-suppressed conductivity detection.
- AN-C-169Determination of cations in tobacco additives
Tobacco additives may contain cations like ammonium (see AN-C-168) as well as other cations as counter ions of organic acids. These additives include components to retain moisture and flavor of the tobacco. Ammonium is added to increase the appeal of smoking, and is therefore considered to increase the addictive potential. The determination of cations in tobacco additives is performed by ion chromatographic separation followed by non-suppressed conductivity detection.
- AN-CIC-035Halogens and sulfur in solid samples according to EN 17813
Organic halides must be monitored in the environment. Combustion ion chromatography (CIC) is used for accurate halogen analysis in solids following EN 17813:2023.
- AN-N-010Chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate in plant leaf extracts
Determination of chloride, nitrate, phosphate and sulfate in plant leaf extracts using anion chromatography with direct conductometric detection.
- AN-NIR-027Identification of 46 medicinal and aromatic plants for the cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industry
This Application Note shows how, with the help of Vis-NIR spectroscopy and a special plant library, 46 different medicinal and aromatic plants, e.g., Organicum majoricum and Tilia cordata, can be conveniently identified on the basis of their spectrum. In comparison with alternative methods for the determination of plants, which are elaborate and require experienced scientists for their performance, the Vis-NIR method permits rapid and uncomplicated identification.
- AN-NIR-038Rapid determination of biochemical methane potential with NIR
This Application Note shows that the NIR solution based on the combination of Metrohm NIRS DS2500 analyzer and "Ondalys Flash BMP®" prediction model enable a time-saving and efficient determination of the BMP of various substrates that are used with anaerobic fermentation during biogas production. In contrast to the standard procedure, the results become available within just a few minutes. It is for that reason that this solution offers an alternative option for the optimization of anaerobic fermentation and thus the methane yields.
- AN-NIR-093Quality Control of fermentation processes
The production of biofuels from renewable feedstock has grown immensely in the past several years. Bioethanol is one of the most interesting alternatives for fossil fuels, since it can be produced from raw materials rich in sugars and starch. Ethanol fermentation is one of the oldest and most important fermentation processes used in the biotechnology industry. Although the process is well-known, there is a great potential for its improvement and a proportional reduction in production costs. Due to the seasonal variation of feedstock quality, ethanol producers to need to monitor the fermentation process to ensure the same quality product is achieved. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) offers rapid and reliable prediction of ethanol content, sugars, Brix, lactic acid, pH, and total solids at any stage of the fermentation process.
- AN-NIR-101Quality control of dried cannabis
Typically, cannabis potency testing is performed by HPLC, but the drawback is that it requires chemicals and it is time-consuming. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a preferred method for quantification of THC, CBD and CBG in dried cannabis because it provides results in less than a minute and does not require any chemicals.
- AN-P-029Polysaccharides in a plant extract
Determination of polysaccharides (n glucose units) in a plant extract using pulsed amperometric detection and a high-pressure gradient.
- AN-PAN-1057Inline monitoring of fermentation processes
Many fermentation quality parameters can be monitored simultaneously directly in the tank with inline near-infrared spectroscopy, such as the 2060 The NIR Analyzer.
- AN-RS-040Trace Detection of DMT in Plant Matter
Modern recreational use of DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is growing and although it is legally protected in some countries, new legislation attempts to reduce its abuse and associated adverse health effects. MIRA XTR DS from Metrohm Raman provides rapid and sensitive detection of DMT in the field.
- AN-S-173Nitrite and nitrate in a plant extract
Determination of nitrite and nitrate in a plant extract using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-178Five anions in lignin
Determination of chloride, sulfite, sulfate, oxalate, and thiosulfate in lignin using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-T-154Determination of alpha acids in hops according to EBC 7.4
The alpha acid level (AA%) in hops plays a major role in the bitterness they can impart to beer. The AA% can vary between 1% up to 20% in hops. During boiling in the brewing process, alpha acids transform into iso-alpha acids which make the beer bitter. For this reason, it is important for brewers to know the exact AA value of the hops they use. The determination of AA% in hops with conductometric titration according to the EBC method 7.4 is shown in this Application Note.
- AN-T-175Nicotine content in tobacco
Nicotine is a nitrogenous alkaloid that is hazardous to health and is characterized by a very high potential for addiction. The nicotine content in tobacco products must be determined and specified precisely. This Application Note exhibits an easy and straightforward method for nicotine determination in tobacco by non-aqueous titration.Results determined by GC and IC are given as a comparison. In comparison to chromatographic methods, titration is an «absolute method», meaning it is not necessary to calibrate the system prior to the analyses.
- AN-T-212FOS/TAC in fermentation substrate – Reliable determination for the monitoring of biogas plants
The FOS/TAC value, sometimes referred to as VFA/TA, is a meaningful parameter for assessing both the current condition and the development of anaerobic digestion processes in a digester of a biogas plant. Knowledge of this value can help decrease the risk of acidification problems, which can result in a costly crash of the entire digestion process. Therefore, an accurate and reliable determination of the FOS/TAC value is important for both efficient and cost-effective production operations. This value is determined by an acid-base titration. Using the Eco Titrator from Metrohm equipped with an Ecotrode plus electrode, a reproducible and accurate determination of the FOS/TAC value is possible.
- AN-U-074Determination of nitrite and nitrate in tobacco by ion chromatography with UV/VIS detection
Nitrite in tobacco facilitates the release of tobacco-specific nitrosamines. Most of these nitrosamines are carcinogenic. Therefore, the determination of nitrite in tobacco is required. This application describes the determination of nitrite and nitrate in acetic acid extracts of tobacco. The ion chromatographic separation is followed by UV/VIS detection after sequential suppression.
- AN-V-032Zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, iron, nickel, and cobalt in freeze-dried hops
Determination of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, and Fe in freeze-dried hops after a wet digestion.
- WP-057FOS/TAC Quotient for the optimization of methane production from biomass
The FOS/TAC value is an important characteristic to assess the status of the fermenter before costly problems arise. The new Eco Titrator from Metrohm allows the determination of this quotient in a fast, cost-efficient, and precise way.
- WP-071Improving the corn to ethanol fermentation process with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
The fermentation of corn starch to produce ethanol is a complex biochemical process that requires monitoring of many different parameters (e.g., solids, pH, sugar profile, glycerol, lactic and acetic acid, and water and ethanol content). Traditional laboratory analysis using primary methods (e.g. Karl Fischer titration) takes about an hour to complete and is a limiting step for increasing plant capacity and efficiency. As a fast and non-destructive analytical technique, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can replace routine laboratory analysis, decreasing operating costs and increasing plant efficiency and capacity. This White Paper describes the capabilities of the modern analytical method near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for monitoring and improving the fermentation process of corn to ethanol.