Application Finder
- 8.000.6111Fully Automated Determination of pH Using Flow Cell Technology
A high throughput automated system was developed to determine pH of culture media using a pH module equipped with an external flow cell. A custom septum-piercing, vented needle was developed to accommodate the shape and size of the customer sample vials. For this application, both accurate and precise pH measurements were required. The data presented in this document was collected by a customer as a part of their validation process and was provided for use with their consent.
- AB-070Polarographic determination of nitrate in water samples, soil and plant extracts, vegetable juices, meat and sausages, fertilizers, liquid manure, etc.
The photometric determination of nitrate is limited by the fact that the respective methods (salicylic acid, brucine, 2,6-dimethyl phenol, Nesslers reagent after reduction of nitrate to ammonium) are subject to interferences. The direct potentiometric determination using an ion-selective nitrate electrode causes problems in the presence of fairly large amounts of chloride or organic compounds with carboxyl groups. The polarographic method, on the other hand, is not only more rapid, but also practically insensitive to chemical interference, thus ensuring more accurate results. The limit of quantification depends on the matrix of the sample and is approximately 1 mg/L.
- AB-116Determination of chromium in small quantities by polarography and adsorptive stripping voltammetry after digestion
This Application Bulletin describes methods for the polarographic and voltammetric determination of small quantities of chromium in water, effluent water and biological samples. Methods for the sample preparation for various matrices are given.
- AB-191Determination of cysteine and cystine simultaneously by polarography
After the degradation of biological samples (e.g. milk, wool, etc.), it is often important to know the cystine/cysteine ratio. This Application Bulletin describes the simultaneous, polarographic determination of the two amino acids. The determination is performed in perchloric acid solution at the DME. Samples with a high protein content require that the determination is performed in an alkaline solution.
- AN-CIC-035Halogens and sulfur in solid samples according to EN 17813
Organic halides must be monitored in the environment. Combustion ion chromatography (CIC) is used for accurate halogen analysis in solids following EN 17813:2023.
- AN-FET-001Characterization and performance studies of field-effect transistors (FETs) using μStat-i 400
In recent years, field-effect transistors (FETs) have become more commonly used as a sensing platform for a multitude of electrochemical and biological applications. These devices are promising bioelectronic transducers that allow both low-potential operation and stable potentiometric measurements. FETs are now seen as an attractive alternative to using conventional electrochemical detection systems in the scientific community. This Application Note gives in-depth guidance about how to operate Metrohm DropSens bipotentiostat devices for the characterization of FETs and their use as transducers. A single μStat-i 400 device, a small and portable bipotentiostat and galvanostat, is used to demonstrate the experiments.
- AN-FLU-002Understanding the mechanism of a bioassay indicator by fluorescence
Alamar Blue is monitored with fluorescence spectroelectrochemistry during its irreversible reduction to resorufin and further reversible reduction to dihydroresorufin.
- AN-RA-008Easy detection of enzymes with the electrochemical-SERS effect
Low sensitivity has limited the use of Raman spectroscopy as a detection method. However, the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect has improved its effectivity for analytical use. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and cytochrome c are analyzed by Raman spectroelectrochemistry as a proof of concept in this Application Note.
- AN-SEC-002Gathering information from spectroelectrochemical experiments
In-situ spectroelectrochemistry provides dynamic electrochemical and spectroscopic information concurrently with the redox reaction occurring on the electrode surface. Although different spectroelectrochemical configurations can be used, simple equations explain how to relate electrochemistry and spectroscopy for each experimental setup. This Application Note describes how the quantification of one electrochemical parameter (the diffusion coefficient) is calculated from the spectroscopic data as a proof of this concept.
- AN-T-037Nitrogen content of nitrocellulose
Determination of the nitrogen content of nitrocellulose by potentiometric titration with Fe(II) using a combined Pt electrode.
- AN-T-212FOS/TAC in fermentation substrate – Reliable determination for the monitoring of biogas plants
The FOS/TAC value, sometimes referred to as VFA/TA, is a meaningful parameter for assessing both the current condition and the development of anaerobic digestion processes in a digester of a biogas plant. Knowledge of this value can help decrease the risk of acidification problems, which can result in a costly crash of the entire digestion process. Therefore, an accurate and reliable determination of the FOS/TAC value is important for both efficient and cost-effective production operations. This value is determined by an acid-base titration. Using the Eco Titrator from Metrohm equipped with an Ecotrode plus electrode, a reproducible and accurate determination of the FOS/TAC value is possible.
- AN-U-054Amino acids applying UV/VIS detection after post-column reaction with ninhydrin at 120 °C
The determination of amino acid is an important task in pharmaceutical and biochemical applications. A binary gradient separates in this example 17 amino acids of a commercially available standard solution. The post-column reaction with ninhydrin requires a temperature of 120 °C, while the samples need to be cooled for stability.
- AN-U-055Amino acids in cell culture growth medium applying UV/VIS detection after post-column reaction with ninhydrin at 120 °C
Cell culture growth media contain all required components to keep cells alive. Here the amino acid composition is analyzed. A binary gradient separates in this example amino acids. The post-column reaction with ninhydrin requires a temperature of 120 °C, while the samples need to be cooled for stability.
- TA-037Amperometric detection – a detection method for complex analytical tasks
Ion chromatography is used as a high-performance analysis method in numerous applications. For complex analysis tasks, alternative detectors such as the amperometric detector or the UV/VIS detector are often also used in addition to the conductivity detector. This article describes the areas of utilization of the amperometric detector. Catchword: Antibiotics
- TA-045Real-time monitoring of cell density and growth potential in bioreactors using near-infrared spectroscopy
Cell density and growth potential can be determined with the aid of in-situ near-infrared analysis of mammalian cell cultures in real time. The mammalian cell cultures are enriched thereby in a bioreactor with microcarrier cultures. A stable model made up of several passes must be developed in order to ensure that the variability between the individual samplings is taken into account.NIR spectroscopy can monitor bioreactors "live" and in situ. It is therefore an important instrument in Process Analytical Technology (PAT).
- WP-058Virus detection: Fast, sensitive, and cost-effective with electrochemical testing
With significant global viral outbreaks becoming the norm rather than generational outliers, it is imperative that fast, sensitive, and cost-effective testing is available to the masses. Screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) allow rapid, widespread testing of populations for infectious disease, without the need of skilled personnel or burdensome equipment in the field. The possibility of point-of-care (POC) testing with SPEs has been exhibited in several recent studies. Metrohm DropSens combines high production capabilites of custom-made SPEs with a valid ISO 13485 certification "Manufacturing of sensors for medical devices", meaning testing procedures developed on these SPEs can be reliably scaled up for larger operations, with easier regulatory approval for commercialization.