Online process monitoring of octane number during catalytic reformingIn refineries, high octane products are desired since they are used to produce premium gasoline. Catalytic reforming converts heavy naphtha into a high octane liquid product called reformate (a mixture of aromatics and iso-paraffins C7 to C10). The reformate must be constantly monitored to ensure high throughput along the refining process. Traditionally, the octane numbers can be measured by two different methodologies: Inferred Octane Models (IOM) and laboratory octane engine analysis. However, these do not provide «real-time» results and require constant maintenance and human intervention to adapt to current operation conditions. «Real-time» analysis of the octane number in fuels can be performed online via near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology, which fits well within the international standards (ASTM). Utilization of a Metrohm Process Analytics NIRS XDS Process Analyzer (ATEX version) in conjunction with a sample preconditioning system makes analysis of the octane number simple, fast, and reliable, allowing quick adjustments to the process for a better quality product and higher profitability.