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Improving your analytics for beverage analysis

55 min


// Ion chromatography

Dr. Gabriele Zierfels from the Competence Center Ion Chromatography at Metrohm International Headquarters, presents the advantages of using ion chromatography over competing methods for beverage analysis. She will show how automated inline sample preparation techniques can help with difficult samples and discuss some possible applications of IC within beverage analysis.

Beverage analysis with ion chromatography

Hands holding vrious cocktails and glasses

Ion chromatography (IC) is a simple and robust analysis technique that is able to measure several components in beverages with relative ease compared to other technologies.

In addition, Metrohm offers various inline sample preparation techniques to overome even the most difficult samples.

Learn more about beverage analysis with IC and Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation (MISP):

Blog: FAQs for beverage analysis with IC

Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation

More IC applications for the food & beverage industry

Download free application notes

Download our free application notes to learn how to determine the free and total carbohydrate content of instant coffee according to AOAC 996.04 and ISO 11292, how to measure organic acids and anions including sulfite in wine, how to determine anions and cations in beer, simultaneously and with automated sample preparation, and how the AOAC method for total GOS determination in novel foods was improved to be faster and more cost-effective.

Metrohm IC: More than 30 years of experience

Metrohm IC covers simple setups for academic laboratories to fully automated, high-performance ion chromatography systems and hyphenated techniques such as IC-MS or IC-ICP/MS as well as the heart of ion chromatography itself: the separation columns.

Rely on Swiss-made quality and benefit from our global presence in over 80 countries for local support by our service and application experts.

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