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ProTrode pH sensors
ProTrode pH sensors

ProTrode pH sensors

Enhance your process insights with inline pH measurements

Metrohm Process Analytics have designed a wide range of inline pH sensors to ensure reliable, flexible, and robust control of your plant manufacturing steps. It does not matter if you need to monitor pH in a chemical or pharmaceutical process, the ProTrode pH sensors are there to guarantee accurate and reliable pH results.

  • Reliable: accurate results over the entire lifetime of the sensor
  • Flexible: ideal for measurements in pipes, reactors, and tanks
  • Robust: designed for a wide range of industrial process environments
  • Maintenance-free: the ProTrode sensors are always ready to use

Brochure: ProTrode pH sensors (8.000.5386, PDF, 1.31 MB)

Flyer: ProTrode 250/350 sensor (8.000.5387, PDF, 211 KB)

Flyer: ProTrode 200/300 sensor pharma (8.000.5388, PDF, 221 KB)

Smart pH sensors to increase plant safety


Plant safety is a common request to every industrial plant, thus easy and hassle-free maintenance is always warranted. The ProTrode pH sensors from Metrohm Process Analytics can be equipped with SmartConnectors to accomplish this. Pre-calibration of the ProTrode sensors can be done in a safe and controlled laboratory environment and stored in memory thus avoiding such labor-intensive tasks in harsh outdoor environments.

Additionally, with the ProTrode sensors, process control is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The inline sensors are used at exact point-of-use (POU), directly in the process (inline), and run completely independently with minimal operator intervention.

Optimize your plant performance with “real-time” analysis


«Real-time» results from inline sensors can reduce start-up waste in lean manufacturing by highlighting true process variation as part of continuous process control. If process control is dependent upon laboratory analysis, necessary process adjustments would take place hours or even days after a detected out-of-spec measurement, causing loss of raw material, final product, and even company assets (e.g., corrosion due to ion exchanger breakthrough).

The ProTrode sensors from Metrohm Process Analytics can be used together with any Metrohm Process Analyzer (e.g., 2060 Process Analyzer) to monitor pH as part of a multi-component system (e.g., pH, alkalinity, and hardness in power plants to prevent corrosion events).

Hassle-free Inline pH measurements


The ProTrode sensors are designed and solely produced in Switzerland by Metrohm. Using Metrohm's decades of experience and know-how in producing laboratory electrodes, this knowledge has transferred into the development of matching high-quality and reliable inline pH sensors.

The sensing glass of any pH sensor is critically important to guarantee accurate results. The ProTrode sensors from Metrohm Process Analytics have been designed with glass type HT or H to cover a wide range of applications across many industries.

Avoid unnecessary cost by Metrohm Process Analytics’ integrated solutions


A traditional pH analysis setup requires one or multiple transmitters to transfer data from the process to the process control system (PLC or DCS), which results in a large investment for many companies and needs constant maintenance. With Metrohm Process Analytics’ ProTrode sensors, this is not an issue. The 2060 Process Analyzer platform can be combined with multiple ProTrode pH sensors to create a multi-component analysis system.

Using the control software of this process analyzer, it is possible to monitor pH “real-time” and take corrective actions if necessary. Besides pH measurements, the versatile 2060 Process Analyzer can additionally measure multiple other parameters so your process can be performed more efficiently, saving raw material costs, yielding higher quality products.

Which process analyzer fits your requirements?

Talk to your Metrohm representative and learn about the best solution for your needs!

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