IC Amperometric Detector
- Преглед на функциите
Compact and intelligent amperometric detector for intelligent IC instruments. Outstanding selectivity due to the four measuring modes: DC, PAD, flexIPAD and CV, as well as the excellent signal/noise ratio and the very fast stabilization of the measuring signal guarantee the highest in measurement precision.
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Detectors for IC
Superior flexibility: Metrohm IC systems can be used with any detection method.Защо Detectors for IC?
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- опционални части
PEEK capillary 0.25 mm i.d. / 3 m
For all IC components.
Connecting cable to 61257XXX
Connecting cable for amperometric detector cell.
Pressure screw 2x
With UNF 10/32 connection. For the connection of PEEK capillaries
Dummy cell to the IC Amperometric Detector.
Dummy cell for performance tests.