- AB-064Platinization of platinum electrodes and conductivity measuring cells
It is a comparatively easy matter to coat platinum electrodes with platinum black by electrolytic deposition of the metal from a platinizing solution.
- AB-102Conductometry
This bulletin contains two parts. The first part gives a short theoretical overview while more details are offered in the Metrohm Monograph Conductometry. The second, practice-oriented part deals with the following subjects:Conductivity measurements in general; Determination of the cell constant; Determination of the temperature coefficient; Conductivity measurement in water samples; TDS – Total Dissolved Solids; Conductometric titrations;
- AB-178Fully automated analysis of water samples
The determination of the physical and chemical parameters as electrical conductivity, pH value, p and m value (alkalinity), chloride content, the calcium and magnesium hardness, the total hardness, as well as fluoride content are necessary for evaluating the water quality. This bulletin describes how to determine the above mentioned parameters in a single analytical run.Further important parameters in water analysis are the permanganate index (PMI) and the chemical oxygen deman (COD). Therefore, this Bulletin additionally describes the fully automated determination of the PMI according to EN ISO 8467 as well as the determination of the COD according to DIN 38409-44.
- AB-221Standard methods in water analysis
This Bulletin gives a survey of standard methods from the field of water analysis. You will also find the analytical instruments required for the respective determinations and references to the corresponding Metrohm Application Bulletins and Application Notes. The following parameters are dealt with: electrical conductivity, pH value, fluoride, ammonium and Kjeldahl nitrogen, anions and cations by means of ion chromatography, heavy metals by means of voltammetry, chemical oxygen demand (COD), water hardness, free chlorine as well as a few other water constituents.
- AB-428Automatic conductometry in water samples with low electrical conductivity in accordance with USP<645>
This Bulletin describes the automatic measurement of conductivity in water samples with low electrical conductivity in accordance with USP<645>. Conductivity measurement is demonstrated on the example of ultrapure water, which is used, among other things, to produce injection solutions in the pharmaceutical sector.
- AB-436Installation instructions TitrIC flex I
The TitrIC flex I system is used for the fully automatic analysis of water samples using direct measurement, titration, and ion chromatography. The following parameters are determined within a very short time: temperature, conductivity, pH, alkalinity, water hardness, and in parallel, the concentrations of individual anions. Further Metrohm instruments can be incorporated in the existing system at any time and used to measure additional parameters. This Application Bulletin describes in detail the installation instructions for the TitrIC flex I system.
- AB-437Installation instructions TitrIC flex II
The TitrIC flex II system is used for the fully automatic analysis of water samples using direct measurement, titration, and ion chromatography. The following parameters are determined within a very short time: temperature, conductivity, pH, acid capacity, and in parallel, the concentrations of individual anions and cations with the resulting water hardness and ion balance. Further Metrohm instruments can be incorporated in the existing system at any time and used to measure additional parameters. This Application Bulletin describes in detail the installation instructions for the TitrIC flex II system.
- AN-BAT-006Determination of the MacMullin number
The main components of a battery are the positive and negative electrodes, together with the electrolyte, which provides only the ionic conductivity. The most common electrolytes are in the liquid state. Therefore, a separator is needed to provide a physical separation between the electrodes. The separator is soaked with electrolyte. The MacMullin number is a parameter used to determine the quality of a separator, in terms of ionic conductivity, when soaked with an electrolyte. The MacMullin number can be calculated, using the results of data fitting of two EIS experiments and the geometric factors of the measurement cells. In this application note, a commercial electrolyte is employed, together with a porous filter, used as a separator.
- AN-BAT-009Determination of the binary diffusion coefficient of a battery electrolyte
In this application note, we demonstrate how to determine the binary diffusion coefficient of a commercial liquid binary lithium ion battery electrolyte based on a galvanostatic pulse polarization method.
- AN-BAT-010Investigation of the Solid Electrolyte Interface Structure and Kinetics.
This application note presents the experimental details and an overview of the most important findings from the EIS and CV experiment to study the structure of a model solid electrolyte interface forming on a planar glassy carbon electrode in contact with a typical organic battery electrolyte.