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- 8.108.5006Brochure: Analysis of Aerosols
The present brochure contains interesting topics on aerosol analysis. The Particle-into-Liquid Sampler, or PILS forshort, is a simple solution for the determiantion of ions in aerosols.
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- 8.109.5001Brochure: 6.0258.600 Unitrode with plug-in head U
The proven Unitrode with Pt 1000 temperature sensor now also comes with a removable electrode cable. The advantages at a glance:Cost advantage: Lower replacement cost than for an electrode with fixed cable.; Simple storage: The electrode is easy to store between measurement series. There is no cable in the way, as it can be stored separately or remains on the instrument.; Faster electrode changing - easy to assemble even in automated systems: The cable remains permanently installed in the titration system; only the sensor on the titration head has to be changed.; Metrohm‘s contribution to environmental protection: Reduction in cable waste.; Reliability: Thanks to gold-plated contacts, the unique multi-pin connector for lab electrodes offers a high level of signal reliability.;
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- 8.109.5002Brochure: 6.0221.X00 Ecotrode Gel
The proven Ecotrode now available as a maintenancefree gel electrode with aging indicatorIdeal for routine measurements with similar types of samples; Maintenance-free gel electrolytes: Refilling or checking the electrolyte is not necessary; Reliability through aging indicator: The white gel loses its color with use.As long as the decolorized zone is below the marking, accurate results are guaranteed;
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- 8.109.5003Brochure: Platinum electrode tip – in a glass shaft, for CVS applications
The present brochure contains interesting information on the platinum electrode tip.This electrode is characterized by an outstanding chemical resistance through the exclusive use of glass and platinum.
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- 8.109.5004Brochure: 6.0730.000 Glass gel reference electrode for voltammetry
The new gel-filled VA reference electrode is absolutely maintenance-free. It maintains the reference potential over its entire lifetime without regular refilling of electrolytes. For this reason, it is ideal for use in systems which require great stability and reliability in addition to long maintenance intervals, for example at-line and on-line systems or other automated systems, and especially for CVS applications.
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- 8.109.5005Brochure: Solvotrode easyClean – cleaning at the touch of a button
The present brochure introduces the Solvotrode easyClean. This electrode enables easy contact-free cleaning of the diaphragm.
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- 8.109.5008Brochure: Combined Calcium ionselective electrode for direct measurement and titration
The present brochure contains interesting information on the Combined Calcium ion-selective electrode. This electrode is used for direct measurement and titration.
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- 8.109.5012Brochure: Ammonia electrode with replaceable modules/membranes
The concentration of ammonium ions is an important parameter to determine the degree of contamination in all kinds of waters. Metrohm’s new ammonia electrode with exchangeable modules or membranes, respectively, is an affordable solution to perform this analysis.
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- 8.109.5013Brochure: Titration even simpler with Titrodes
Maintenance-free metal electrodes for redox titration / precipitation titration
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- 8.109.5014Brochure: Glassy Carbon Electrode Tip
The present brochure introduces the Glassy Carbon Electrode Tip. This electrode is characterized by outstanding chemical resistance due to exclusive use of glass and glassy carbon.
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- 8.109.5016Brochure: Multi-Mode Electrode pro - Electrode for polarography and voltammetry
The present brochure introduces the Multi-Mode Electrode pro. A number of innovations and improvements makethis electrode even easier to use, easier to maintain, and increase its lifetime. Overall, the result is an even more reliable electrode for polarography and voltammetry.
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- 8.109.5018Brochure: scTRACE Gold – Simple and reliable determination of arsenic in water
Voltammetry using the scTRACE Gold offers a simple, low-cost alternative to the spectroscopic determination of arsenic. The electrode provides an easy and reliable means of monitoring the limit value for arsenic in drinking water of 10 µg/L. In fact, the detection limit with the scTRACE Gold is well below this concentration. The scTRACE Gold can be used with any Metrohm voltammetry measuring stand.
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- 8.109.5019Brochure: Unitrode easyClean – High-performance pH sensor with diaphragm cleaning by pressing on the electrode head
NEW: The proven all-rounder with Pt1000 temperature sensor now also with easyClean diaphragm – truly a clean affair! The present brochure provides you with its benefits at a glance.
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- 8.109.5022Brochure: Silver/silver chloride reference electrode – the ecological alternative for calomel reference electrodes
This brochure provides further information on the silver/silver chloride reference electrode. The silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode is nowadays the most widely used reference electrode for potentiometric measurement and can be applied for the same applications as the SCE.
- 8.109.5023Brochure: pHit kit – give your electrodes a treat!
This brochure provides you information about the pHit kit. The pHit kit allows easy and gentle cleaning of pH electrodes.
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- 8.109.5024Brochure: pH and temperature with one measurement: Spearhead electrode with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor
This brochure provides further information on the spearhead electrode with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor.
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- 8.109.5025Brochure: The proven Ag ring electrode now with ground-joint diaphragm – Robust and less prone to clogging
This brochure provides further information on the combined Ag ring electrode. The combined Ag ring electrode is both a measuring and reference electrode in one. It requires less space in the titration vessel, thus the total volume can be reduced, resulting in less waste, but still guaranteeing superior results.
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- 8.109.5026Brochure: The proven Ag Titrode in a new design – Maintenance-free and robust
This brochure provides further information on the Ag Titrode.
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- 8.109.5027Combined fluoride selective electrode – Compact and easy to clean
The combined fluoride ion selective electrode integrates both the measuring and reference electrode as well as a temperature sensor in a single housing. This design saves space, which makes this sensor ideal for measurements in small sample volumes.
- 8.109.5030Bi drop electrode – A novel non-toxic alternative for metal analysis down to the ppt range
The Bi drop electrode from Metrohm is a novel non-toxic alternative for metal analysis down to the ppt range. This electrode provides straightforward determination of heavy metals in drinking water completely mercury-free. Since the Bi drop electrode does not require mechanical treatment, it is especially suitable for online applications.
- 8.109.5031Brochure: Titration even simpler with Titrodes
- 8.109.5033Brochure: Optrode – Titration in a new light
Titration with a photometric sensor is a widely used titration technique. In this brochure, we introduce you to the advantages of the Optrode and several application examples.
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- 8.731.6003Brochure: 731 Relay Box
The 731 Relay Box is a supplementary instrument for controlling up to 4 external devices.
- 8.756.5000Brochure: 756/831 Coulometer - Water determination down to trace levels
The 756 and 831 Coulometers continue Metrohm’s established line of Karl Fischer instruments for the determination of low-level water contents. Traces right down to the lower micro range can be determined with guaranteed precision and accuracy. Main features: Standard dialogue languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish and Italian ; Backlit screen with graphic capabilities (live curve) ; Change of KF solution at the touch of a button ; Flexible but easy to operate ; Cell with or without diaphragm ; Methods memory ; Thermal sample preparation with KF oven ; Stand-alone or software-controlled ;
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- 8.767.6003Brochure: 767 Calibrated Reference (English)
A handy instrument, powered by a solar cell, for the easy and rapid checking of titrators, KF instruments, pH meters, conductometers and Rancimats.
- 8.780.5001Brochure: 780 pH-Meter + 781 pH/Ion Meter
This pH meter generation offers numerous possibilities. In addition to the general functions for measuring pH, potential and temperature, the new pH meters boast features such as the optimized GLP-compliant electrode test as well as monitoring and service intervals. With the 781 pH/Ion Meter you can determine ion concentrations at a level of comfort offered only by Metrohm.
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- 8.797.5001Brochure: CVS – Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping with Metrohm
Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping (CVS) and Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping (CPVS) are widely used methods in the electroplating industry for the determination of organic additives in electroplating baths. The most important fields of application:Suppressors DT - Dilution Titration; Brighteners LAT - Linear Approximation TechniqueMLAT - Modified Linear Approximation Technique; Leveler RC - Response Curve;
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- 8.797.5002Brochure: 797 VA Computrace
The 797 VA Computrace opens up new possibilities:Voltammetric trace analysis and additive determination in electroplating baths with a single instrument; Outstanding sensitivity thanks to a combination of the unique Multi-Mode Electrode with the newly designed potentiostat; Automation with the 863 Compact Autosampler or 838 Advanced Sample Processor; Data archiving in the database program Autodatabase with report generator; More than 220 important analytical methods are supplied; Output of the result in as many formats as required; Unique EXPLORATORY mode specially designed for training students in technical colleges and universities. Ideal in combination with the Metrohm monographs «Introduction to Polarography and Voltammetry and «Practical Voltammetry; Built-in quality assurance with GLP mode, individual rights of access for each user and automatic electrode test; Simple operation thanks to the clearly laid out user interface oriented on Windows operating procedures;
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- 8.797.5003Brochure: 797 VA Computrace – The all-round instrument for voltammetry
The 797 VA Computrace is a modern voltammetric measuring stand that is connected to a PC via a USB port. The PC software provided controls the measurement, records the measured data and evaluates it. Operation is most straightforward due to the well-laid-out structure of the program. All of the methods described in the Metrohm Application Bulletins and Application Notes are already pre-installed.The newly designed integrated potentiostat with galvanostat guarantees the highest sensitivity with reduced noise. And of course the unique Multi-Mode Electrode pro (MME pro) and rotating disk electrode (RDE) made of various materials are available as the working electrodes.
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- 8.814.5001Brochure: 814 USB Sample Processor
Precise and reproducible results; Simple automation for medium numbers of samples; Measuring and titration directly in the sample beaker; Reliable, robust and safe; Grows along with your requirements;
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- 8.815.5001Brochure: 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL
Precise and reproducible results; Automation for high numbers of samples; Sample preparation and Liquid Handling; Parallel preparation and analysis; Reliable, robust and safe; Greatest possible flexibility;
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- 8.815.5002Brochure: 815 Robotic Soliprep
The Robotic Soliprep is a new version of the proven 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor that makes everyday routine work easier for you. The main area of utilization for the Robotic Soliprep systems is professional preparation of your samples.
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- 8.822.6003Brochure: 822 Titration Curve Simulator
Metrohm instruments are known for their precision and reliability. Thanks to their robust construction they are hardly ever affected by external mechanical or electrical influences. Even though a malfunction can never be completely excluded, it is normally due to operator errors, faulty connections or third-party instruments. Should you ever suspect a fault in a Metrohm instrument, it is always advisable to localize the problem using fast and easy to perform diagnostic tests. These diagnostic tests require tools that are not readily found in the laboratory. The 822 Titration Curve Simulator is such a tool.
- 8.838.6013Brochure: 838 Advanced VA Sample Processor (English)
The 838 Advanced VA Sample Processor allows the fully automatic and extremely flexible processing of large sample series in the routine monitoring of electroplating baths.
- 8.846.6003Brochure: 846 Dosing Interface
The 846 Dosing Interface and the 800 Dosino turn the basic liquid handling operations into child's play. The 846 Dosing Interface is a control unit for up to four dosing elements. It can be used to expand existing Metrohm systems but also deals, as an independent system, with any liquid handling task occurring in the laboratory.
- 8.848.5002Brochure: 848 Titropackage plus
The system consists of 848 Titrino plus, 869 Compact Sample Changer, 802 Rod Stirrer, Ecotrode plus and additional accessories. The comprehensive accessories allow the easy and fast installation of the system, which is immediately ready for operation. A large number of predefined methods, combined with extremely easy operation, allow one to use the system without time-consuming configuration, user training or method optimization.
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- 8.848.5004Brochure: 848/877 Titrino plus
The Titrino plus range is Metrohm’s entry class in potentiometric titration. Its price-performance ratio is amazing.
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- 8.851.5002Brochure: 851 Titrando / 852 Titrando
The two coulometers 851 Titrando and 852 Titrando extend and complete the Titrando family of instruments. The advantages of the new coulometers:Parallel coulometric and volumetric titrations with the 852 Titrando; Bromine index; Automatic titration start; Automatic reagent replacement;
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- 8.855.5002Brochure: 855 Robotic Titrosampler
The 855 Robotic Titrosampler integrates automatic sample preparation and titrimetric analysis in a very small space. Main advantages:Space savings through compact design; Time savings due to automated routine tasks; Automatic sample preparation; High reproducibility and accuracy; High sample throughput; Automatic cleaning and conditioning of the sensor; Sample rack can be chosen at will; Stand-alone operation with Touch Control or software control through OMNIS; Possibility of connecting three burets; Robust and reliable; Tailorable packages for standard applications;
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- 8.856.5002Brochure: 856 Conductivity Module/867 pH Module
The 856 Conductivity Module introduces the five-ring measuring technique for conductivity measurements with a large linearity range. The 867 pH Module can be used with conventional potentiometric sensors for pH and ion measurement or with the «iTrodes» - the new generation of intelligent electrodes.
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- 8.859.5003Brochure: Thermometric titration – sodium determination direct, rapid and inexpensive
Consumers and government food authorities require a precise analysis of the sodium content in foods and food products. Procedures the for the direct measurement of the sodium content are however not only very expensive, they are also time-consuming. It is for this reason that the analysis often takes place indirectly by means of the chloride content - a procedure that may yield markedly imprecise results. With the 859 Titrotherm, Metrohm offers a superior alternative. Thermometric titration is a rapid, inexpensive procedure for the precise and direct determination of the sodium content in foods.
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- 8.860.5003Brochure: 860 KF Thermoprep - Thermal sample preparation in Karl Fischer titration
Simple, safe, precise - The KF oven method allows even for unsuitable substances to be prepared for Karl Fischer titration.
- 8.862.5001Brochure: 862 Compact Titrosampler
The 862 Compact Titrosampler - an all-in-one titrator and autosampler - is a completely automated titration station that takes up only as much bench space as a typical analytical balance. Forget lengthy system configuration processes and hours of user training. A large number of predefined titration methods, combined with straightforward operation, allow the system to be used immediately after installation.
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- 8.863.5001Brochure: 863 Compact VA Autosampler
Economical automation for voltammetric trace analysis.
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- 8.865.5002Brochure: 865/876 Dosimat plus
Metrohm Dosimats facilitate the routine tasks of liquid handling and dosing in laboratories all over the globe. The new Dosimats can be used as independent, manually controlled instruments or as automatic dosing devices for the Titrino/Titrino plus titrators.
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- 8.870.5002Brochure: 870 KF Titrino plus - Karl-Fischer water determination easy, safe and precise.
The present brochure introduces the 870 KF Titrino plus. The favorably priced 870 KF Titrino plus is Metrohm’s Karl Fischer titrator for volumetric water determinations.
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- 8.875.5001Brochure: Analysis of Process Baths in Solar Cell Production
ProcessLab - Monitoring wet-chemical Processes in Solar Cell ProductionYour advantages at a glance:Customized analyzer for comprehensive process controlLonger useful bath lives thanks to optimal use of the process windowCalibration-free, absolute determinationsMonitoring of several production linesTraceability and compliant documentation thanks to integrated data managementIntegration and control of external devices including data transferExport and import of data via Ethernet or 4...20-mA interfaces
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- 8.875.5005Brochure: 875 KF Gas Analyzer – Straightforward determination of water content in liquefied and permanent gases
Accurate, reproducible results at the touch of a screen: The 875 Karl Fischer Gas Analyzer is a fully automated solution for reliable water determination in liquefied and permanent gases. Have a look at our brochure to get more information about the 875 Karl Fischer Gas Analyzer.
- 8.884.5001884 Professional VA – Universal system solution for voltammetry and CVS
The 884 Professional VA in combination with viva software is currently the most modern and most flexible analysis system for voltammetry and polarography. The 884 Professional VA is outstanding for its unique flexibility. Due to its modular design, the system can be expanded at any time with additional components such as dosing devices, pumps, and sample changers.
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- 8.885.5001Brochure: 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer
Affordable, automated sample preparation for Karl Fischer titration.