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News (1)Professional VA
Flexible benchtop analyzers for trace analysis with voltammetry and polarography.
2060 VA/CVS Process Analyzer
Precise trace metal analysis with Voltammetry or organic additives monitoring with CVS (Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping).
Hyphenated techniques
Extending the scope of ion chromatography: sophisticated sampling, sensitive detection, or multi-parameter analysis.
884 Professional VA884 Professional VA is the universal entry-level instrument in the Professional VA/CVS instrument series. In conjunction with the compatible measuring head and compatible electrode set, you can perform trace analysis determinations with voltammetry and polarography using the Multi-Mode Electrode pro, the scTRACE Gold, the Bismuth drop electrode or determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths, with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP). The proven Metrohm electrode methods combined with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision. The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes.The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA is supplied with reduced accessories, without measuring head and electrodes. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA fully automated for VAAutomated analysis system for high-performance, flexible trace determinations with voltammetry and polarography with the Multi-Mode Electrode pro or the scTRACE Gold. Comprising 884 Professional VA for MME, 919 IC Autosampler plus for VA, two 800 Dosinos, 843 Pump Station, measuring head for rotating disk electrodes, and extensive accessories. For sample series of up to 28 samples.Determinations with rotating disc electrodes can also be performed with the MVA-22, e.g. determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP).The viva software is required for control, data acquisition, and evaluation. PC, electrode set, and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA manual for CVS884 Professional VA manual for CVS applications is the entry-level for high-end determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP), or voltammetric heavy metal determinations with rotating disk electrodes. The proven Metrohm electrode methods combined with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives in CVS. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision. The integrated temperature measurement input allows you to monitor the solution temperature during the measurement.The instrument can also be used to perform voltammetric determinations. The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes. The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA manual for CVS applications is supplied with extensive accessories and a measuring head for rotating disk electrodes. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA fully automated for the determination of antioxidantsAutomated analysis system for the voltammetric determination of antioxidants in lubricants, including automatic sample preparation on the sample changer. Comprising 884 Professional VA, 858 Professional Sample Processor for antioxidants, 2x 800 Dosinos, 843 Pump Station, measuring head for rotating disk electrodes, and extensive accessories. For sample series of up to 24 samples.The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation. PC, electrode set, and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA manual for Multi-Mode Electrode (MME)884 Professional VA manual for Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) is the entry-level instrument for high-end trace analysis with voltammetry and polarography with the Multi-Mode Electrode pro or the scTRACE Gold or the Bismuth drop electrode. The proven Metrohm electrode methods in combination with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives for the determination of heavy metals. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision.Determinations with rotating disc electrodes can also be performed with the instrument, e.g. determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP). The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes.The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA manual for MME is supplied with extensive accessories and a measuring head for the Multi-Mode Electrode pro. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA semiautomated für Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) with 2 Dosinos884 Professional VA semiautomated for Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) is a convenient high-end routine analyzer for trace determinations with voltammetry and polarography with the Multi-Mode Electrode pro or the scTRACE Gold. The proven Metrohm electrode methods in combination with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives for the determination of heavy metals. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision.Determinations with rotating disc electrodes can also be performed with the instrument, e.g. determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP). The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes.2x 800 Dosinos (supplied) permit the automatic addition of auxiliary solutions during the determination, e.g., electrolyte, buffer or standard solutions.The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA semiautomated for Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) is supplied with extensive accessories and a measuring head for the Multi-Mode Electrode pro. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA fully automated for CVS with Dosino for sample transferAutomated analysis system for the high-performance, flexible determination of organic additives in electroplating baths using CVS ("Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping"), CPVS ("Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping"), and CP ("Chronopotentiometry"). Comprising 884 Professional VA for CVS, 858 Professional Sample Processor with Dosino for sample transfer, 4x additional 800 Dosinos for auxiliary solutions, 843 Pump Station, measuring head for rotating disk electrodes, and extensive accessories. For sample series of up to 112 samples.The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation. PC, electrode set, and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA fully automated for CVS and large sample seriesAutomated analysis system for the high-performance, flexible determination of organic additives in electroplating baths using CVS ("Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping"), CPVS ("Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping"), and chronopotentiometry (CP), or voltammetric heavy metal determinations with rotating disk electrodes. Comprising 884 Professional VA for CVS, 858 Professional Sample Processor, four 800 Dosinos, 843 Pump Station, measuring head for rotating disk electrodes. and extensive accessories. For sample series of up to 56 samples.The MVA-23 can also be used to perform voltammetric determinations with the Multi-Mode Electrode or the scTRACE Gold.The viva software is required for control, data acquisition, and evaluation. PC, electrode set, and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA semiautomated for CVS with 2 Dosinos884 Professional VA semiautomated for CVS applications is a convenient high-end routine analyzer for determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP), or voltammetric heavy metal determinations with rotating disk electrodes. The proven Metrohm electrode methods combined with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives in CVS. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision. The integrated temperature measurement input allows you to monitor the solution temperature during the measurement.The instrument can also be used to perform voltammetric determinations. The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes.2x 800 Dosinos (supplied) permit the automatic addition of auxiliary solutions during the determination, e.g., VMS, standard solutions or samples for the Dilution Titration technique (DT).The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA semiautomated for CVS applications is supplied with extensive accessories and a measuring head for rotating disk electrodes. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.
884 Professional VA semiautomated for CVS with 3 Dosinos884 Professional VA semiautomated for CVS applications is a convenient high-end routine analyzer for determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP), or voltammetric heavy metal determinations with rotating disk electrodes. The proven Metrohm electrode methods combined with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives in CVS. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision. The integrated temperature measurement input allows you to monitor the solution temperature during the measurement.The instrument can also be used to perform voltammetric determinations. The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes.3x 800 Dosinos (supplied) permit the automatic addition of auxiliary solutions during the determination, e.g., VMS, standard solutions or samples for the Dilution Titration technique (DT).The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA semiautomated for CVS applications is supplied with extensive accessories and a measuring head for rotating disk electrodes. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.
- AB-425AB-425Installation instructions for 884 Professional VA semiautomated MME: 884 Professional VA with the Multi-Mode electrode pro and 800 Dosinos for automatic dosing
This Application Bulletin contains the installation instructions for the 884 Professional VA semiautomated MME. This is a system for the determination of heavy metals and other voltammetrically active substances with automatic addition of auxiliary and standard solutions.
- AB-444AB-444Installation instruction: MVA-24 – 884 Professional VA fully automated for CVS with 858 Professional Sample Processor and Dosino sample transfer
This Application Bulletin contains installation instructions for the MVA-24 CVS setup used to measure suppressors, brighteners, and levelers in plating solutions.
- AB-426AB-426Installation instructions for the MVA-22: 884 Professional VA full automated for trace analysis
This Application Bulletin contains the installation instructions for the MVA-22. This is a completely automated system for the determination of heavy metals and other voltammetrically active substances.
- AB-403AB-403Installation instructions for MVA-21/MVA-23: 894 Professional CVS or 884 Professional VA fully automated for CVS determinations
This Application Bulletin contains the installation instructions for the MVA-21/MVA-23. This is a fully automated system for the determination of suppressors, brighteners, and levelers in electroplating baths.
- AB-445AB-445Installation instruction: MVA-25 – 884 Professional VA fully automated for the determination of antioxidants with automatic sample preparation
This Application Bulletin contains installation instructions for the MVA-25 (with automatic sample preparation) used to measure antioxidants in lubricants.
- AN-V-240Determination of total iodine in thyroid tablets with polarography
Accurate iodine determination in thyroid tablets, ensuring treatment efficacy, is achieved using the 884 Professional VA and Multi-Mode Electrode pro per USP guidelines.
- AN-V-229Antimony(III) in drinking water
The toxicity of antimony depends on its oxidation state: antimony(III) is more toxic than antimony(V). Due to its carcinogenicity, EU legislation specifies 5 µg/L and the World Health Organization (WHO) sets a maximum concentration of 20 µg/L as the Sb(III) limit value in drinking water.Straightforward determination using anodic stripping voltammetry provides a fast (analysis time under 10 minutes) and an ultra-sensitive tool for monitoring the antimony(III) concentration in drinking water. Measurements can be performed in the laboratory with the 884 Professional VA, or alternatively in the field with the 946 Portable VA Analyzer.
- AN-V-232Nickel and cobalt in drinking water with screen-printed carbon electrodes
EU legislation specifies 20 µg/L as the limit value for nickel in drinking water. The current provisional guideline value for Ni in the World Health Organization’s «Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality» is set to a maximum concentration of 70 µg/L. The adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) technique performed on the ex-situ bismuth film modified Metrohm DropSens 11L screen-printed electrode (SPE) can be used to simultaneously detect concentrations as low as 0.4 µg/L for nickel and 0.2 µg/L for cobalt with a 30 s deposition time.The disposable, maintenance-free sensor can be used conventionally in the laboratory with the 884 Professional VA, or alternatively in the field with the 946 Portable VA Analyzer. This method is best suited for manual systems.
- AN-V-224Nickel and cobalt in drinking water with a glassy carbon electrode
Due to the toxicity and the detrimental effects of nickel and cobalt on human health, their concentrations in drinking water must be controlled. Therefore, EU the legislation specifies 20 µg/L as the limit value for nickel in drinking water. The current provisional guideline value for Ni in the World Health Organization’s «Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality» is set to a maximum concentration of 70 µg/L. To monitor the concentrations of Ni and Co with the 884 Professional VA, a method for simultaneous determination on the glassy carbon electrode (GC-RDE) modified with a Bi film is used.
- AN-V-234Tellurium(IV) in drinking water
Tellurium is one of the elements recently identified as technologically critical for photovoltaic conversion, quantum dots, as well as in thermoelectric technology, and has the potential to become a new emergent contaminant. Until now there is no guideline value in the World Health Organization’s «Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality» and in the European Drinking Water Directive for tellurium(IV) concentration in drinking water.To monitor the tellurium(IV) levels in drinking water, anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) performed on the unmodified scTRACE Gold is recommended. This method allows determination of tellurium(IV) in the concentration range between 1 µg/L and 60 µg/L when using a 90 s deposition time. The scTRACE Gold electrode does not need extensive maintenance such as mechanical polishing. Measurements can be performed in the laboratory with the 884 Professional VA or alternatively in the field with the 946 Portable VA Analyzer.
viva 3.0 Full: 1 licenseComputer program for control and data management of Professional VA/CVS instruments. The software permits checks, data acquisition, evaluation, and monitoring, as well as report generation.Graphic user interface for routine operations, extensive database programs with reevaluation, graphic method editor with numerous templates, system configuration, very flexible user administration, extensive data export functions, individually configurable report generator.Includes the measuring modes "Differential Pulse" (DP), "Square Wave" (SQW), "Linear Sweep Voltammetry" (LSV), "Cyclic Voltammetry" (CV), "Cyclic Voltametric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and Chronopotentiometry (CP). The following calibration techniques are supported: standard addition, external calibration, DT (Dilution Titration), LAT (Linear Approximation Technique), MLAT (Modified Linear Approximation Technique), RC (Response Curve).Dialog languages: German, English, Chinese, Japanese.The following instruments are supported: 884 Professional VA, 894 Professional CVS1 license for a maximum of 4 Professional VA/CVS instruments on a single computer. Contains USB flash drive and installation documentation.
viva 3.0 Multi: 3 licensesClient/server-compatible computer program for control and data management of Professional VA/CVS instruments. The software permits checks, data acquisition, evaluation, and monitoring, as well as report generation.Graphic user interface for routine operations, extensive database programs with reevaluation, graphic method editor with numerous templates, system configuration, very flexible user administration, extensive data export functions, individually configurable report generator.Includes the measuring modes "Differential Pulse" (DP), "Square Wave" (SQW), "Linear Sweep Voltammetry" (LSV), "Cyclic Voltammetry" (CV), "Cyclic Voltametric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and Chronopotentiometry (CP). The following calibration techniques are supported: standard addition, external calibration, DT (Dilution Titration), LAT (Linear Approximation Technique), MLAT (Modified Linear Approximation Technique), RC (Response Curve).Dialog languages: German, English, Chinese, Japanese.The following instruments are supported: 884 Professional VA, 894 Professional CVSClient/server version with 3 licenses for 3 computers with a max. of 4 Professional VA/CVS instruments per computer. Contains USB flash drive and installation documentation.
Adapter B-14/15 - SPE measuring head insert (VA)Adapter for use of the electrode shaft scTRACE Gold 6.1241.080 or the bismuth drop electrodes 6.0346.000 in the 884 Professional VA with SPE measuring head 6.1256.030 or in the 797 VA Computrace or 663 VA Stand with measuring head insert 6.1412.020.
Bismuth drop electrodeBismuth drop electrode for the voltammetric determination of traces of metal ions in water samples. It can be used as a working electrode in the 884 Professional VA.
- May 15, 2023Process control of electroless nickel plating baths with Hg-free sensors
Electroless nickel (EN) plating processes use various stabilizers like Pb, Bi, and Sb(III) to control the plating rate and prevent uncontrolled bath decomposition. As the stabilizer concentration must be kept at a constant level, monitoring the stabilizer concentration is therefore essential for an optimal plating process. One of the best ways to do so is by using voltammetric analysis (VA).
- Feb 6, 2023Monitoring antioxidant content of in-service industrial lubricants with voltammetry
Testing of in-service lubricants for their remaining antioxidant content is critical for prolonging the uptime of capital equipment as well as reducing running costs and repair expenses. Voltammetry (VA) is a fast and established method for testing the remaining antioxidant content in industrial lubricants.
- Oct 30, 2023A thermal rollercoaster: Unraveling temperature dependence in CVS determinations
Precision in PCB manufacturing demands accurate control of organic additives during copper plating. Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping (CVS) is used to quantify these additives, but temperature differences impact accuracy of the results. This article outlines the method for assessing organic additives in copper plating baths and explores temperature's influence on CVS measurements.
- Aug 10, 2020Trace metal analysis with solid-state electrodes – Part 2
- Nov 23, 2020Trace metal analysis with solid-state electrodes – Part 5
The glassy carbon rotating disc electrode for heavy metal analysis.
- Sep 7, 2020Trace metal analysis with solid-state electrodes – Part 3
- Nov 9, 2020History of Metrohm IC – Part 4
Metrohm IC: combing titration, direct measurement, and IC in one with TitrIC and voltammetry and IC with VoltIC.
- Feb 13, 2021Chemistry of Chocolate
Components of a chocolate bar and applications for chocolate quality analysis.
Basic equipment with 2x 807 Dosing Units for VA measurements for 884 Professional VAAccessory set for 2 auxiliary solutions for expanding manual VA systems. Includes one 807 Dosing Unit 2 mL and one 807 Dosing Unit 5 mL, clear glass bottles 100 mL, 250 mL and 2 L, bottle holders for 2 bottles, one 4-way micro tip, and connector material. Without Dosinos.
Tray for filling the MMEFor 884 Professional VA, 797 VA Computrace, 757 VA Computrace and 647, 663, 694, 747 VA Stands
- 8.884.50018.884.5001884 Professional VA – Universal system solution for voltammetry and CVS
The 884 Professional VA in combination with viva software is currently the most modern and most flexible analysis system for voltammetry and polarography. The 884 Professional VA is outstanding for its unique flexibility. Due to its modular design, the system can be expanded at any time with additional components such as dosing devices, pumps, and sample changers.
Other languages
- 8.884.80038.884.8003Manual 884 Professional VA
Other languages
- 8.884.80048.884.8004Short Instructions 884 Professional VA
Other languages
- 8.884.30048.884.3004Release Notes 884 Professional VA / 894 Professional CVS
- 8.884.30038.884.3003EU declaration of conformity for 884 Professional VA
Other languages
- 8.884.30058.884.3005Release Notes 8X4 Professional VA/CVS