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Moisture in petroleum products according to ASTM D6304


Knowledge of the water content in lubricating oils, additives, and similar products is important in the manufacturing, purchase, sale, or transfer of petroleum products to help estimate their quality and performance characteristics. Monitoring the water content in such products can prevent damage to infrastructure and ensure safe operation by avoiding corrosion processes and subsequent engine wear.

This White Paper explains the easy determination of moisture in petroleum samples by coulometric Karl Fischer titration according to the three procedures outlined in ASTM Method D6304. A comparison is given between the procedures to determine which is most suitable for different sample types.

Learn more about ASTM D6304!

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The free white paper "Moisture in petroleum products according to ASTM D6304" explains how simple moisture determination in petroleum samples can be. Download this white paper to read in more detail about correct sampling for moisture analysis, the three procedures outlined in ASTM D6304 (i.e. direct injection, oven or water evaporator), and the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure.


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